Auto Repair Labor Rates By-State 2025. So, if the shop charges $45 per labor hour, it’s receiving. No one tracks labor rates across america.
The lowest average auto repair hourly rates by state are utah, kansas, louisiana, georgia, iowa, north carolina, alabama, new mexico, florida, and mississippi. For the fifth consecutive year, vermont had the lowest average labor cost ($125.95).
Occupational Employment And Wages, May 2023.
A new law signed by vermont governor phil scott (r) tasks vermont's commissioner of financial regulation with investigating and making recommendations.
Is There A Way To Get Around.
The repair shop labor rate tracker is a free database of hundreds of labor rates for auto repair shops around the country and by state.
Auto Repair Labor Rates By-State 2025 Images References :
Laborratehero Is The New Auto Collision Repair Industry Standard For Measuring And Reporting Market Based Labor Rates.
For the fifth consecutive year, vermont had the lowest average labor cost ($125.95).